Tuesday Nov 15, 2022

Alison G. Brown, President, University of Maryland Medical Center Midtown Campus

Tom Robertson, Executive Director of the Vizient Research Institute is joined by Alison Brown, President of the University of Maryland Medical Center Midtown Campus in Baltimore. Alison describes a number of hospital initiatives that evolved in response to atypical provider incentives arising from Maryland’s unique payment system, most recently including global spending budgets. From interdisciplinary rounds and transitional care teams to coordinated post-discharge care for chronically ill and socioeconomically vulnerable populations, Alison shares experiences viewing patient needs through both an “inside-out” and an “outside-in” lens. The conversation turns to an innovative Maryland program involving “peer recovery coaches” to assist emergency patients battling substance abuse. Tom extends that concept by describing a conceptual patient navigation volunteer program that he calls the “Elder Corps”.


Guest speaker:
Alison G. Brown, MPH, BSN
University of Maryland Medical Center Midtown Campus 


Tom Robertson
Executive Director
Vizient Research Institute


Show Notes:

[01:21] In 2014, CMMI issued a waiver that capped what any individual hospital could charge on an annual basis. Each hospital had to rethink how they manage their operating margins.

[03:17] Development of “Transitional Care Teams” that help patients with a safe and timely hospital discharge.

[09:35] Workforce challenges for serving traditionally underserved or marginalized patients

[12:27] Peer recovery coaches

[13:09] Elder Corps

[16:00] Redeploying staff to support the team that provides care

[19:31] Addressing the “experiential disparities” for patients who can’t afford a concierge experience


Links | Resources:

Alison G. Brown's biographical information


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